Jobs available

Hi, I am Kaushal, and here to inform we have job availabilty in RayDone Labs. To kindly inform, there will be no salary given, just for your expirience when you go to a large gaming industry in future. We need Game Developers, game designers, game concept artists and game testers. Just message here or mail to “”. There will be a short interview befor getting job. Thank you!

“Volunteer Opportunity Available”, fixed it for you ;-]

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Sorry, but no. I do not plan to get a job without being paid. I could work as a junior or for a symbolic salary, but I still need money motivation. I am a master’s student in artificial intelligence; meanwhile, I am working in a tech company as an assistant. I started as a simple employer but got a promotion because of my ides in cloud computing. Honestly, I wanted more money and thought that maybe service from could help me, and it did. I overstated my income report, and after one week, I got a job at Samsung. Miracle sometimes happen, haha!

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