I’m using the code exactly as provided to update the root and camera to ensure the capsule collider is constantly where the camera is. Currently if I move using normal joystick movement to a wall or other obstacle and try to then move towards it in my playspace, I overlap the object, and then snap backwards at seemingly random intervals. It is not consistent with how often tick is being called as the game is running at full 120 FPS. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?
Hi and welcome to the community.
Are you able to share some code for the VRCharacter and a screenshot of the blueprint based on it. Can you also confirm which version of Unreal you are using.
I had similar issues but it was down to the fact the GPU wasn’t powerful enough and dropping the detail addressed the issue.
Sure. Here is the code for the collision update, and how I am doing my movement.
And here is the BP
I’m using 4.27. I don’t think there is an issue with GPU performance, as I am running an RTX 3080, and the VR profiler I am using doesn’t show any hitching or dropped frames.
Thanks in advance.
And have you checked your code against the lecture code for differences?
It’s useful to share code with < / > rather than an image as I cannot test the code in a project without typing the whole lot in.
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