I tried setting up movement with a controller and it’s working fine except for the camera that sometimes jitters while rotating. I’m trying to use the right stick of an xbox controller for it.
Is there a “standard” way of moving the camera with the sticks? I’m using the mouse movement presented in the course as a base but maybe that isn’t the right way to go, any hint would be appreciated.
I think you are supposed to use Input.get_action_strength so that it uses how far you are pushing the the stick to control the speed of rotation.
I dont think this would cause the stuttering though.
I would set up the controller inputs seperately and use the following code.
extends Camera
var rotation_speed = 0.1
func _process(delta):
# Get the input value for the camera rotation
var input_x = Input.get_action_strength("rotate_camera_left") - Input.get_action_strength("rotate_camera_right")
var input_y = Input.get_action_strength("rotate_camera_up") - Input.get_action_strength("rotate_camera_down")
# Rotate the camera based on input
rotate_y(-input_x * rotation_speed)
rotate_x(-input_y * rotation_speed)
Hope this helps
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Thanks, it helped to hack a solution for the moment!
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