Its was a fun refreshment

it was a long time since I have not opened an of software neither blender nor unity almost 1/2 year cuz I am preparing for jee
today mock test my exam I was totally exhausted and wanted to do something else so I opened my locked account turned blender on and tried making something
what I found is that I am out of moves I had to look at some old lecs to get started with blender navigation and this is what I came up with

robo model -

it was really fun and challenging to make these after 1/2 year
and now back to regular schedule don’t know when this exam will be held in this pandemic and when i will be back to unity and blender again
well plz share your thoughts below
it will be great for mw


Good to take a break from exam stuff and have some Blender fun. Fine looking models you still remembered enough to make!

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