It's Hard

Hey, so I’ve been taking the “Unreal 5.0 C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games” course, and I finished the “C++ Beginner Tutorial” and I’m still finding it hard to understand why we are doing what we are doing if that makes sense. Most of the stuff seems useless to do because I don’t seem to know why we’re doing it, there are also a lot of ways to do a specific thing and every time it’s different than the other. I’m also at a part now where I don’t know how to do stuff on my own because I have no idea where to place a specific code for example. The explanation seems a bit vague since it feels different every time we’re doing something.

The point is I’ve studied the basics of C++ I understand a lot of basic stuff but I’m still finding it hard to implement what I learned, especially while reaching 38% of the course, it just copying and pasting what he’s doing now, I’m trying to understand why we’re doing it that way but it’s not working.

The beginner C++ course was way better than the unreal engine one, since he was explaining in detail and he was explaining why we’re doing what we’re doing. I’m 38% into the Unreal Engine C++ Course FMath::VInterpConstantTo chapter and i have no idea what is happening.

Hi there,
The course is more about unreal than C++ and it helps to know a little C++ and some unreal engine as well as some maths.

The method you mentioned is for interpolating between 2 vectors. This is done by specifying a percentage between the 2 points and you get the point where you currently are.

Have a look here:

You can’t expect the instructor to provide you with all the answers as the engine is huge and the course would take months, if not years to complete. Use Google, discord and post questions that explain the problem you are having and any code you have that you are having issues with. Watching the video sometimes more than once helps as well.

If you go to university for example, they don’t give you the answers - they expect you to figure out a lot by yourself. This is also expected here.

Posting about how the course is difficult and not explained well will not get you help.

Developing software does require you, as a coder, to find solutions to problems as working as a coder will not have people tell you how to do this.

I hope this advice helps with the course. If you are still struggling, try the Blueprint course as it is very much a beginners course which helps with this one.

You really need to be able to fully code and work with programming to do what you are confused about there.

That is standard for programming. Everything has various differences. It might be cleaner code to faster execution time or even personal preference. Some things are better suited for certain things and other things can’t or have problems in certain situations.

Rack up the time with coding to grasp it. A minimum of a year my recommendation. There’s too much to programming. Even years later will still present new things, better ways, and more understanding.

Also: rip it all apart and do it your own way.

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