If I press ‘y’ or ‘Y’ at the end of game, it does what ‘n’ should do. I can’t find what I assume is a real tiny error, and Visual studio isn’t pointing anything out.
Can I get an extra set of eyes on this? That would be much appreciated.
If I press ‘y’ or ‘Y’ at the end of game, it does what ‘n’ should do. I can’t find what I assume is a real tiny error, and Visual studio isn’t pointing anything out.
Can I get an extra set of eyes on this? That would be much appreciated.
From what I read everything should work. At least you should get output. However: Is it possible that the GetGuess function is not called? Again: The part of the function I could read indicated that everything should be okay, but it is not the whole function you display and it is also not clear, whether or not the function is called. Could you post your game code, rather than the screen shots?
Not sure if this is the problem but you have two “==” on int main
here is what mine is like
int main()
bool bPlayAgain = false;
do {
bPlayAgain = AskToPlayAgain();
} while (bPlayAgain);
return 0;
See tiny mistake. Thank you for spotting that. It fixed my problem.
Thank you for trying to help, but I got it now. I had “==” on my int main function between bPlayAgain() and AskToPlayAgain().
Good to hear!
Good luck in your progression!