It took me half a minute to find Landscape

To find Landscape, search for Landscape under the Modes Tab, and then under the Place Tab, the first icon to the left with a cube. Click on All Classes and scroll down until you find Landscape. You can also use the search bar to find Landscape.

The engine then redirects you to the tab in the middle with mountains, also called Landscape. After placing your Landscape in your level, specify your Landscape’s settings then click on create. I reset my position to the origin and made sure the scale is at a default of 10x10x10.

This is the same way I found it. Roughly 20 of those 30 seconds for me was figuring out which Landscape option to use (Landscape vs Landscape Mesh Proxy Actor). Implementing it took a hot minute though because my computer crawled. I have a gaming laptop and it still didn’t agree with how big I wanted my landscape. :sweat_smile:

I did the same.

Modes => Landscape => Manage => Create

I just used the default values UE provided

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