It`s a pinwall, not pinball

I find this tweaking of the timeline, options, actions and object interactions, difficult at least.
One time my project was fine, the next day it was broken. The application interface, is fragmented.
Lots of options, not directly visible. Or unattended changes (hot-keys are not always helpful).

But after 18 hour of rendering, I got this 400 frames of tumbling bricks and scattered bumpers. Halfway of of this render process, I saw that my red and green bumpers are not active mesh objects.
When you are busy with more creative and fun parts of the project, you forget things.


Awesome work here :open_mouth: !
18H ? :scream: I am wondering if my laptop would endure such long process.

We are only humans after all :slight_smile:
Your work is very inspiring, I might reach your level someday, or at least I hope so :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Cheers !

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