Hi there everyone hope you’re doing good. I’m having some issues with the obstacle assault section of the unreal engine C++ course. I just got done with lecture 46: Live Coding Issues and decided to compile the code I’d implemented when i got two problem pop-ups.
The first one is as follows:
‘FBoneMirrorInfo’: FBoneMirrorInfo is deprecated. Please use UMirrorDataTable for mirroring support. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
This message was linked to this bit of code:
/** Skeleton of this skeletal mesh **/
UE_DEPRECATED(4.27, “Please do not access this member directly; use USkeletalMesh::GetSkeleton() or USkeletalMesh::SetSkeleton().”)
UPROPERTY(Category=Mesh, AssetRegistrySearchable, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintGetter = GetSkeleton, BlueprintSetter = SetSkeleton)
TObjectPtr Skeleton;
The second problem message I got was this long bit of text:
incomplete type “TObjectPtr” is not allowedC/C++(70)
SkeletalMesh.h(737, 24): detected during:
SkeletalMesh.h(737, 24): instantiation of class “TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<KeyType, ValueType, bInAllowDuplicateKeys> [with KeyType=TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, ValueType=int32, bInAllowDuplicateKeys=false]” at line 301 of “E:\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Set.h”
SkeletalMesh.h(737, 24): instantiation of class “TSet<InElementType, KeyFuncs, Allocator> [with InElementType=TTuple<TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, int32>, KeyFuncs=TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, int32, false>, Allocator=FDefaultSetAllocator]” at line 926 of “E:\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Map.h”
SkeletalMesh.h(737, 24): instantiation of class “TMapBase<KeyType, ValueType, SetAllocator, KeyFuncs> [with KeyType=TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, ValueType=int32, SetAllocator=FDefaultSetAllocator, KeyFuncs=TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, int32, false>]” at line 1073 of “E:\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Map.h”
SkeletalMesh.h(737, 24): instantiation of class “TSortableMapBase<KeyType, ValueType, SetAllocator, KeyFuncs> [with KeyType=TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, ValueType=int32, SetAllocator=FDefaultSetAllocator, KeyFuncs=TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, int32, false>]” at line 1227 of “E:\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Map.h”
SkeletalMesh.h(737, 24): instantiation of class “TMap<InKeyType, InValueType, SetAllocator, KeyFuncs> [with InKeyType=TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, InValueType=int32, SetAllocator=FDefaultSetAllocator, KeyFuncs=TDefaultMapHashableKeyFuncs<TWeakObjectPtr<USkeletalMesh, FWeakObjectPtr>, int32, false>]” at line 674 of “E:\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Animation\Skeleton.h”
SkeletalMesh.h(737, 24): instantiation of class “TObjectPtr [with T=USkeleton]” at line 737 of “E:\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\SkeletalMesh.h”
And this was linked to this bit of code:
/** List of bones that should be mirrored. */
UE_DEPRECATED(4.27, “Please do not access this member directly; Use UMirrorDataTable for mirroring support”)
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, editfixedsize, Category=Mirroring)
TArray SkelMirrorTable;
I’m currently using unreal engine 5.5 ant help would be greatly appreciated because I am enjoying this course quite a bit.