The error at the bottom of the screen suggests an issue with a missing closing brace. If I were you I would follow your code through from top to bottom and look for both opening and closing braces/brackets and ensure you have the corresponding pairs.
If you aren’t already, you may consider using a block approach for your brackets/braces rather than the trailing approach, this can make it a lot easier to spot missing ones when you are fairly new to coding, for example;
private void Start()
if(name == "Joel")
Debug.Log("Howdy Joel!");
as opposed to;
private void Start() {
if(name == "Joel") {
Debug.Log("Howdy Joel!");
On a related note, the error message was pretty much the only readable part of your screenshot. You can just copy/paste your code into the forum and then apply some characters both before and after it which will format it, this makes it very readable for everyone else, plus, they can copy/paste you back a solution from your own code, see the link below regarding the code formatting.
Hope this helps 
See also;