Issue with Number Wizard UI Quiz Question

One of the quiz questions asks about the efficiency of the Random.Range method versus choosing the mid-point of the range, every time. The answer is that it will find the answer less efficiently. I re-viewed the Lecture number that the quiz suggested I re-view, and there is no note of the efficiency of Random.Range, in the entire 5-1/2 minute video. I thought you should know.

Thank you.
-Trevor Costa


Sometimes the quiz’s I find irritating. It could be because I don’t test very well, but the pre-number Wizard test when talking about Lego blocks I totally spaced and had no idea what they were talking about as they were never referenced AFTER the video of them talking about these names and uses. Again, it could be my brain is just wired differently but if I don’t hear a name constantly or see it’s reference I get confused.

Sadly not gotten to that question yet, but something tells me I’ll be having the same issue there.

I agree with Trevor, and there’s also the nature of the question which states ‘on average’. For instance, if you create a random number between 1 and 1001, it might generate a number over 500 this time and under 500 the next time. The chances really are 50/50, so on average this should be just as efficient.

An example is demonstrated in the video where the computer won in three guesses. It would be interesting to design a situation where the computer plays against itself, and keep track of the average number of guesses out of 500 games using both methods. Statistically, you should find that there’s no significant difference.

I thought the same too, one lecture he does mentions that it’s lesser in efficiency, but when in the last lecture of developing the random wizard guess guessed it in 3 tries which is faster than usual. i agree that the quiz should be rephrased to have an answer that fits with the later lectures as this is fully dependent on the earliest videos.

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