Issue with lighting when creating windows at the ends

Hi, the lighting looks fine when adding windows along the long walls but also adding three equally spaced windows along the shorter walls causes strange glitches where at some angles the light becomes a massive very bright triangle along the corner and very artificial-looking. To fix it I removed the windows but any idea what might be causing that and how to fix it? Even rotating the light source did not entirely eliminate the problem. A sample screenshot of the problem is shown below:

Once you get it to how you want it, select all of the boxes and go into the details panel and convert it to a static mesh. Then afterwards build the lighting via the Build menu,

Thanks, could you please clarify what you mean by the boxes? I tried selecting only the windows brushes (subtractive geometry brushes) but did not see an option to export to static mesh. Would I need to select the walls as well? I tried simply building the lights and that seems to have fixed it but would prefer to understand the conversion if that’s a requirement. I am using Unreal 5.2 by the way, maybe that’s a behaviour difference? After building the lights, the game looks much better even in the editor:

It’s not it’s jus that the UV’s for the brushes are usually incorrect leading to weird lighting. However to create a static mesh you need to select all of the boxes that make up what you want to turn into a mesh

Ok, thanks for the explanation and fix!

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