Issue with Lecture: 66. Looping in C++

So I came across an issue while listening to this lecture. At around 8 min 49 secs into the video, he mentions that you can hold down “ctrl” to make multiple selections. In this case, it was to select all the instances of the variable in the for loop to change them all simultaneously. The issue is that “ctrl” does not actually work; I found that I had to use “alt” instead. I am using Visual Studio Code 1.60.0. I hope this can help others that may have come across the same issue.

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Thanks for sharing that. I’ll flag it up. It is possible that it was control in earlier versions but alt makes sense since it’s also the same key to highlight blocks and change them.

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Just to let you know they are going to patch the video. Thanks for letting us know.

I hope you’re enjoying the course and welcome to the community.

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