Issue I had with this video

I struggled with this challenge because I was trying to figure out how to get the user input. With C++ I would use cin >> but couldn’t figure out how to do that type of command in C#. I went back a re watched the messages video to see if user input was explained there of if I just missed it. It wasn’t. These videos (at least the first ones) are more about programming structure and less about how to, which I would like to see more (of the how this works).

Feeling a little frustrated

They mentioned in the lead up to this particular set of videos that it would be extremely basic and that people with a programming background may want to move to the next section. It looks like they wanted to stay away from more abstract or involved work at this point focusing on structure for those who have next to no programming experience.

That being said all the files are there, and I think the one you are looking for is InputBuffer.cs in the Terminal folder of the project. While the naming helps make the code pretty readable, It would be nice for those wanting to play around more to have comments in the supporting files that helped provide some basic information on what things are doing.

Yea this one threw me too it took me a while to figure out how to get everything working with just the void OnUserInput(string)

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I also come from a C++ background, and I did a little bit of searching before I figured out that the onuserinput() is continuously checking user input and to use that method as an almost GetKey.

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