Isn't everything still centred on the animation blueprint?

Isn’t our fire method still being called from ABP_TP? I don’t understand how replacing the two meshes and firing component with our gun child actor fundamentally changed our architecture. All we did was replace BP_FireComponent with our gun child actor.

I don’t see how that got us to this:

I thought we were going to change it so that our character would determine when to fire, and based on that fire, it would trigger our animation.

Also, as a side note: Now firing feels very unresponsive. There’s a delay between when I click and when it starts firing, and sometimes clicking doesn’t fire at all.

Nevermind, I rewatched the last few minutes and Sam said it was the first step toward the new architecture!

Firing is still less responsive though. Hopefully I either figure it out or we deal with it later.

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