IsIsogram - I got ahead of myself

I’m looking forward to how much simpler I can make this when I’ve actually viewed lecture 65 and above. I used to do a bit of coding back in the day, and I might have jumped the gun a bit! It seems to work, however.

bool UBullCowCartridge::IsIsogram(FString Word)
    if (Word.Len() < 1)
        return false;
    if (Word.Len() == 1)
        return true;
    int32 counter = 0;
    int32 newindex = 1;
    while (counter < (Word.Len()))
        int32 index = newindex++;
        while (index < Word.Len())
            if (Word[counter] == Word[index])
                return false;
    return true;
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Looks great! How much coding did you used to study?

Thanks! I’m a com sci major, then did some web development with PHP and finally some systems programming with C#, but that was 20 years ago! Forgotten a lot, obviously!

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