Some of us like the deep end.
It’s generally easy for a new coder to identify as a beginner, and somebody who started coding before Ronald Reagan insisted that Mr. Gorbachev tears down a wall to identify as advanced. Intermediate is a grey area, and it’s harder to identify whether that’s the category for you.
For a beginning student, one starts to feel some confidence and bravado. Laser Defender went well, and you had a good understanding of the mechanics.
The advanced student, meanwhile, has a pretty good grasp on coding and understands how Unity works, and they don’t want to simply type what the instructor is typing.
Both look at an intermediate course with different expectations. The beginning student still needs a bit more one on one time typing what the instructor types, so Core Combat hits their expections well (we really did try to make that course so you could be 1/2 way through the 2D or 3D course). The advanced student gets bored, probably already typed out an acceptable solution in the challenge and just wants to get on with it, show me the code and I’ll reconcile it with my code. When we did the Core Combat, a lot of our backers said “Hey, we’re not beginners, why are we still doing it this way? Here’s my life jacket, let’s dive in there!”. Meanwhile a lot of beginners were taking the course, and quite successfully.
On to Inventory, where this feedback was applied, and the format we have for the course is more of an interview between a senior programmer and an apprentice. We also felt it was vital that students learn to read and understand code written by others (this is, IMO, one of the telling signs that you are at the higher end of the intermediate spectrum.) so a lot of focus was placed on explaining how to read code, and less time was spent typing things out from the ground up. This approach actually went well with the upper intermediate and advanced students, but it did leave a lot of students feeling left behind. Lesson learned, we went to more of the “follow me” approach for the later courses, even though they dive into significantly more upper intermediate lower advanced concepts. That approach seemed to go well, overall.
As always, our mission is to leave no students behind, so I’m here whenever there is an issue in any of our RPG courses to guide folks along and get them through the next challenge (and I’m always willing to explain any part of the codebase in any of the RPG series courses.)