"Is Trigger" on capsule collider, my Enemy will fall through the ground

*UPDATE: i added another capsule collider inside the other original one, and it seems to work. Hope this doesnt bug anything else in the future. Still wondering how they did it on the Class video, without the extra collider.

If I use “Is Trigger” on capsule collider, my Enemy (or Player if I check his box), will fall through the ground.


Hi Rolando,

Please make sure you have the same settings as Rick. If you change something in your project, it might be that his solution does not work anymore.

The ‘Is Trigger’ flag on an object turns the object into a trigger. Triggers do not use physics collisions. They are typically used to trigger events while another object is within their collider. If you want an object to stop moving when they enter the trigger, you have to script that behavior manually.

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