Is this usable in this course?

previous to this course i tried sculpting arno dorian from ac unity as my first ever sculpt, sadly i didnt use any reference except for the face. Im pretty happy how the face turned out so i would like to use this mesh for this course but im not that happy with the rest of the body and i cant really figure out whats off would be cool if somebody could take a look and maybe spot some weird things espacially in the hands.!

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As usual, I would say, reference, reference …
I think the fingers are too long, too pointy.

So, what are you going to do with this figure?
I mean, some of the problem areas probably go aways when clothing applied etc.
Hands behind a shield or so. Also for gaming, you need to optimize the mesh.
And creating diffuse, normal, bump, displacement, ambient occlusion, etc. maps.
All those things will influence the overall look and feel.
Better to learn the process and identify which parts will play an important role.

well i wanted to do a little continuation to the unity trailers with him so the clothes should be the same. thick leather gloves, long coat, knee high trench boots and so on. i agree on the fingers but acording to drawing classes the hand should be about two thirds from your distance from elbow to wrist and fingers just as long as the palm so im kinda struggling to find that sweet spot where the proportions add up but its not that weird looking … but yeah youre right about all those maps fundamentally changing the look i guess ill have to just do it and recap later on what went wrong

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