Is there anything wrong with attaching the AimElevatiuon and AimAzimuth nodes to the same Spring Arm AddLocalRotation node?

Hello all,

Is there anything wrong with attaching the AimElevatiuon and AimAzimuth nodes to the same Spring Arm AddLocalRotation node?

Thanks and have a great day!

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Good question, I’ve connected both AimAzimuth and AimElevation to the same LocalRotation function (yaw/pitch, respectively) and it seems to be working fine.
A wild guess, I think in the end it won’t have any differences in performance PoV.

Ok, once we’ve started working with Gimbal (next lesson) it seems that connecting to the same LocalRotation is problematic to do (we want the target pin with the Gimbal Azimuth and it shouldn’t affect the Elevation).
Better to do as suggested by Ben :slight_smile:

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