Is there a way to save/extract game that doesn't open in Unreal anymore?

In my Project folder I deleted Binaries, Saved and Intermediate files and tried to try to save this other problem i was having(missing c++ files). I ran the project but now nothing works.(“The Game could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.”)

I still see the “Content folder” there, its nice and safe with all my stuff still there. :>

Is there something I can do with the “Content folder” to save my project? Maybe create a new project and export that Content folder to it?
I know how to migrate folders from one project to another, but can i just drag and drop the folders?

Please help i been working on this for about a month and haven’t used github XD. I learned my lesson now lol. Thank you.

Ok I followed these instructions from ChatGPT. I didn’t follow all the steps but got the project to work. Everything seems to be working, no more missing c++ files but the “favorites” folders and folder colors are gone now. (but thats ok I don’t care about that)

I made it to Step 5 and my project works now.
My personal comments are in brackets ().
I left in the other steps in case it might help anyone else.

If anyone can chime in and give more information or advice that’d be nice too in case there’s something wrong with my solution thanks.

For now everything seems to work but I’ll update my comment in case something goes wrong in the future.
Good luck everyone!

Steps to Fix Your Unreal Engine Project

  1. Close Unreal Engine and Visual Studio (or any IDE)

    Ensure that both Unreal Engine and your IDE are completely closed before proceeding. This ensures that no files are locked or being used by another process.

  2. Verify Engine Installation

    Make sure your Unreal Engine installation is not corrupted:

    • Open the Epic Games Launcher.
    • Go to the Library tab.
    • Click on the Unreal Engine version you are using.
    • Click on the down arrow next to the launch button and select Verify.
  3. Generate Project Files

    Regenerate your project files to ensure they are up to date:

    • Navigate to your project folder in File Explorer.
    • Right-click on the .uproject file. (It’s the “Unreal Engine Project File”)
    • Select “Generate Visual Studio project files” (or “Generate Xcode project files” if you’re on macOS).

    This will recreate the necessary project files that were deleted along with the Intermediate folder.

(Generate Visual Studio Project files will generate files necessary for you to use visual studio with your unreal project. It will genearte a .sln file if your Editor settings are set to Visual Studio 2022 or a Code Workspace Source File if it’s set to Visual Studio Code.)

  1. Rebuild the Project

    Open your project in your IDE (e.g., Visual Studio) and perform a clean build:

    • Open the generated .sln file in Visual Studio.
    • Select Build > Clean Solution.
    • Then select Build > Build Solution.

    This will ensure that all binaries are freshly built from source.

(I couldn’t find a .sln file because I had generated a Code Workspace Source File instead of .sln.
Edit → Editor Preferences → Source Code → Source Code Editor → visual studio 2022(or whatever your preferred editor).
After I changed the Source Code Editor setting, I redo step 3 and generated a .sln file instead and continued onto step 4.)

  1. Open the Project in Unreal Engine

    Try to open your project in Unreal Engine:

    • Double-click the .uproject file to open it directly in Unreal Engine.
    • If the project doesn’t open, check the output log for any specific error messages that might indicate what’s going wrong.
  2. Check for Missing Plugins or Dependencies

    If your project relies on specific plugins or external libraries, make sure they are installed and correctly configured:

    • Open the Plugins window in Unreal Engine (Edit > Plugins) and ensure all required plugins are enabled.
    • Check if any third-party libraries need to be re-integrated or updated.
  3. Restore Backup

    If you have a recent backup of your project, consider restoring it:

    • Copy the backup project files back to your project directory.
    • Repeat the steps above to regenerate project files and rebuild the project.
  4. Check for Corrupt Assets

    Sometimes assets can become corrupted, causing the project to fail to load:

    • Open the Content Browser in Unreal Engine.
    • Look for any assets with a question mark or warning icon.
    • Try to replace or re-import any corrupted assets.
  5. Check for Syntax or Compile Errors

    Look for any C++ code errors or syntax issues that might be preventing the project from running:

    • Open Visual Studio and navigate to the Error List.
    • Resolve any compile-time errors.
    • Make sure your code is up-to-date with Unreal Engine’s latest API if you recently upgraded your engine version.
  6. Check the Output Log for Errors

    When attempting to run your project, carefully check the Output Log for any error messages that could provide more insight into what’s going wrong:

    • Open the Output Log window in Unreal Engine (Window > Developer Tools > Output Log).
    • Look for any red error messages or warnings and address them accordingly.
  7. Update Project Settings

    Ensure your project settings are configured correctly:

    • Go to Edit > Project Settings.
    • Check the Maps & Modes settings to ensure the correct startup map is set.
    • Verify any settings related to your platform, especially if you’re targeting specific platforms like VR or mobile.
  8. Clear Derived Data Cache

    Clearing the derived data cache can sometimes resolve issues with asset loading:

    • Navigate to the DerivedDataCache folder in your project directory.
    • Delete the contents of this folder.
    • Open Unreal Engine and allow it to rebuild the cache.
  9. Review Recent Changes

    If your project was working before and suddenly stopped, review any recent changes you made:

    • Check your version control history (if using Git, Perforce, etc.) for any recent changes.
    • Consider reverting recent changes to identify the cause of the problem.

Additional Resources

  • Unreal Engine Documentation: Troubleshooting
  • Unreal Engine Forums: Useful for finding solutions to similar problems faced by other developers.
  • AnswerHub: The official Q&A site for Unreal Engine issues.


  • Regenerate Project Files: Right-click on the .uproject file and select “Generate Visual Studio project files”.
  • Clean and Rebuild: Open the solution in Visual Studio and perform a clean and rebuild.
  • Verify Engine: Use the Epic Games Launcher to verify your Unreal Engine installation.
  • Check for Errors: Look in the Output Log for specific error messages and resolve them.
  • Review Changes: If the problem persists, review recent changes in your code or assets.

That’s a lot of instructions for a simple fix.

Usually the error happens because you’ve got a problem with the C++ code so open the project in your code editor and build. This will show you where the errors are and you can fix them.

Also, when you try and launch the uproject, a log is generated and I think it goes into Saved Games or something. This might also contain the error.

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