Is there a way to resize sprites in unity?

Wasn’t sure where to put this so sorry if this is the wrong place. For specifics on my question, i’m trying to change the size of a sprite that I attached to the player since its really tiny and the only way i’m seeing right now is to scale the transform but that also scales the collision too. I would scale the sprite itself from another program but its off of a sprite sheet and I don’t have much experience with them so i’m not sure if I can just scale the whole sheet and it’d work or not.

Have you tried adjusting the Pixel per Units value, as seen here

Its been a while since I’ve messed with sprites in Unity.

Thanks dude, I feel ashamed that I didn’t just look it up myself though with how long its been since this post went up lol. Admittedly I don’t need it at the moment but it’ll definitely come in handy later.

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