Is there a way to get this running on google cardboard with a mac os x?

Just wanted to know if it was possible to get this to run on my phone along with google cardboard. Also I couldn’t find an osx sdk version for the oculus, do we miss out for now?

Looking forward to your reply

Short answer: yes. Longer answer: Download the Google VR SDK for Unity from, and import the GoogleVRForUnity.unitypackage into your project. Replace the “Main Camera” under “Player” with the GvrMain in the “GoogleVR/Prefabs” folder in your project, and you’re all set with the cardboard controlling your headlook. The Canvas will need further tweaking, though.

I’m going to skip the rest of this section, though, and move on to the Squashy Tode until I get a chance to play with an Oculus.

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So I tried this. It removes the camera and any visibility from the game view. Should it only be visible when playing it on the Google Cardboard App? I wish there was a demo on how to set that up for this game.

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