Is there a way to collapse side panel on video courses?

I have a wide monitor and I like to have Godot and the course open side by side. However, the table of the content on the courses takes up a lot of real estate and I see no way to collapse it. Am I missing something? And if not, I would like to request this feature to be added.

If you show the course in a window and resize it down somewhat, the lectures panel eventually gets hidden. Tested on Firefox; no idea if it behaves similarly in other browsers.

Failing that, or if the video becomes too small, you should also be able to resize the window to maximum size (but not maximized) and just drag the window to the left until the lectures panel is offscreen. These are both hacky workarounds, but they get the job done.

Also worth noting that you might not have this issue at all anymore after the May 17th upgrade.

The resizing trick actually worked. I zoomed to about 150% and the layout changed to hide the sidebar. Not the best workaround, but good enough.


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