Is "stdafx.h" a common thing? or should i be worried?

Hey there!
In this current lesson, i followed the information perfectly but yet, i was about to pull out my hair because i could not get the code to work as the teachers had.
Turns out i was missing the "#include “stdafx.h” header, but the teacher does not have this part of code in his project.
is this a common thing that i should not be worried and leave alone?
Or will this effect my projects in the future?
Does this need to be changed?
please send help!

I was wondering about this too.

I figured it was a part of the newest version of visual studio and I just left it in and carried on as if it wasn’t there.

Would be cool to get an explanation from the instructors. Good job on bringing attention to this so that they can update the video.

stdafx.h is needed if you have “precompiled headers” activated for your project

you won’t need it, if you turn this off under your project settings->C++


Thank You.

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