Is it possible to sculpt a character without a character sheet?

So I want to make a character but I am not good at drawing at all but I want to make a different character than what the instructor is making so I know what different things to do but like i said I am not good at drawing at all how do I go about making a character without a character sheet?

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Perfectly possible, and probably common. It may still help to have a human shape reference in the background. To get basic proportions right, but that can be reference photos even not drawings.

Then just make up your own character as you go. Not everyone plans things in advance with these characters drawn in 2D first. It makes teaching easy, effectively tracing something else, helps to show where the work is aiming at.


ok perfect thank you I have a character in mind just didn’t know how to go about it but thank you

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Don’t worry about it at the beginning - Grant was showing the whole process, that one should be able to apply to any bipedal (and maybe with some planning, other types) of characters!

As NP5 mentioned - find some drawing (front/side) of a character that’s similar. Try to find something close to what you have in mind, but don’t need to be exactly. It will help you with proportions + with following what’s Grant doing.

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One idea is to start rough…basic shapes…use a pencil and an eraser. Sketch out a few rough circles and rectangles with some connecting lines. You probably don’t need to add the details on paper, just rough shapes.

Alternately, you could use a dot-to-dot method of roughing things out…think like a constellation of stars, for example.

Just a couple of ideas. I use both methods depending on what I’m doing.


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