Is it okay for the top of the head to look like this? I'm concerned

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I think it is easily fixable!
But if you donā€™t see it in the final scene, then why fix it?


You could make a ā€˜capā€™ that looks like shorter hair lengths to cover the top.


Good suggestion! Thank you!

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I might have some cutscenes where youā€™ll get a view from above the character so Iā€™m worried it will show then. But Iā€™ll just have to see if it looks any better after texturing

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Ha, I had the same questions when I did the course. Just add more hair or move the end of the curves closer to the center. You might need to add a subdivision to have the hair align with the headā€™s shape. But Grant might address this later when the hair gets a bit fancier.

When in edit mode, enable Snap to Face to align the curveā€™s end point to the ā€œhair capā€.

Looking forward to seeing your result.


Thank you so much!


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