Is it just me or is the dinosaur section really difficult to follow?

I’ve been having a look through the updated content of the complete creator course, I did the original plus a few others so I’m not a complete beginner at this point, but this section of the updated content I’m finding it very difficult to follow along, I’m not sure if it’s just not being explained well or because my topology is slightly different, but it’s been a real pain to follow, luckily because I’m not a complete beginner I can figure it out on my own and my dinosaur looks okay, but I could see a complete beginner having some trouble here, especially if there topology doesn’t match Grants exactly. So did anyone else have the same problem? or is it just me?


I think it might be you, lol. The knight in the old course was not as easy as do it exactly like this. Perhaps it is a similar step up?


Yeah I guess so, I haven’t done much modelling in this way. I was just finding it difficult to follow along at times, my dinosaur looks fine though. I was going to skip the dinosaur, as it was early in the updated course so I figured it wouldn’t teach me anything I already didn’t know.

I think another big problem for me is I’m obsessing too much over trying to make the exact same moves Grants making, but my topology is not exactly the same, I probably need to stop trying to match his moves exactly, and focus more on the shape we are creating.

It’s stuff like this that reminds me how much I’ve still got to learn, and that although I may know my way around the program quite well now, when it comes to actually modelling I’m still very much a beginner.


TRUE! Do not learn the steps. But try to learn what each step does to your model in the process. What does a function do and what it should be used on that moment.


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