Is it correct to declare a variable inside a loop?

In the PlayGame() function, the Guess variable is declared inside the for loop. Can it cause some kind of problems? I do the declaration once before the loop, and inside the value for GetGuess() is assigned to the previous declared variable. It seems more correct to me, but I don’t know if it is or if it doesn’t matter.

Can you post a code snippet? I would be happy to take a look.

For sure. Here it is:

void PlayGame()
	//number of times player is asked for guesses
	constexpr int LIMIT = 5;

	string GuessResult = "";
	// repeat the guess back to them
	for (int count = 0; count < LIMIT; count++) {
		GuessResult = GetGuess();

Original loop:

  // repeat the guess back to them
   for (int count = 0; count < LIMIT; count++) {
    	string GuessResult = GetGuess();

Most compilers would treat this the same from a performance standpoint. For code clarity the original loop is better. It is better to have the variable fall out of scope and generate a compiler warning rather than hang around inside the rest of the function to be used with who knows what value leftover from the loop in it.


Ok, thanks for the explanation :smiley:

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