Is DOTS updated yet?

I can’t find any information if the update has occurred yet or not, and I’d really like to get into this course.


Nathan is working on DOTS as we speak! We know there was quite the delay on this, as he was tied up in recording another course, and in our experience stopping the recording of one course to completely rewrite a different course doesn’t work out very well.

I’ve only gotten to see some sneak peeks at the prototype, and I can tell you I’m excited. It looks like Nathan’s going to build a functional game in DOTS!

I don’t have an exact release date yet, and once Nathan’s done with the prototype, he’ll start recording and we’ll start reviewing the lectures. Once that process is done, the course will go live once more. Now that DOTS is settled, we really want to make sure this is done right.


was just wondering about this today. Right on, thanks for the post and update!

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