OK I really don’t want to open further topics yet, but I have an Inventory glitch in my game, where my Inventory Slots are invisible in-game and in-scene (as you can see in the image below):
How do I fix this without messing things up? (Yes, it’s visible under the UI Canvas PREFAB, but not properly visible in the game scene or the scene view either). If it helps in anyway, my inventory used to glitch out in the past multiple times (Logical error), and I accidentally saved my file with my inventory in this state (with no reverse versions to return to unfortunately)
And the same goes for my bank too…:
Edit: I fixed it by rolling back to an older version, but I’m still curious to know what went wrong for me
Edit 2: Mini Update on this problem: Yes, I used an old copy of my project and spent hours re-coding all the new stuff, but save a copy of your project in your Asset files. That way when it randomly happens, you open that copy, reopen this file, and the issue (temporarily) goes away