When I try to place a turret while running the scene at 10:16, the game crashes and I get this error:
Invalid get index 'progress' (on base: 'Path3D').
Here is my code for turret.gd
extends Node3D
@export var projectile: PackedScene
var enemy_path: Path3D
@onready var turret_top: MeshInstance3D = $TurretBase/TurretTop
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
var enemy = find_best_target()
if enemy:
look_at(enemy.global_position, Vector3.UP, true)
func _on_timer_timeout() -> void:
var shot = projectile.instantiate()
shot.global_position = turret_top.global_position
shot.direction = basis.z
func find_best_target() -> PathFollow3D:
var best_target = null
var best_progress = 0
for enemy in enemy_path.get_children():
if enemy is PathFollow3D:
if enemy_path.progress > best_progress:
best_target = enemy
best_progress = enemy.progress
return best_target