
As per the challenge, I will briefly introduce myself:

I’m Keith from York in the UK, I have been using Gamedev courses for the best part of a year now mostly Unity ones but one or two of the others as well. I am new to Godot but tried to get ahead of the game by trying to learn it from a book, the “Learn Godot in 24 hours” one, a misnomer if ever there was one. I am glad that the Gamedev course is here and intend following it with interest, one thing the book did was convince me that Godot is well worth learning even if it does not prove to be your game engine of choice.

However I digress, I am a retired commercial computer programmer and support guy (Unix & database admin) of some 60 odd years (some of them very odd), a bit old for game development perhaps and it is unlikely that I will become a professional at this stage but it is good to keep learning and I find that the variety of disciplines involved are refreshing, for example the programming side has led me into attempting to learn Blender so as not to be dependent on pre-prepared sources for game objects. I am also interested in learning more about VR/AR as I think that will become important in a number of areas of computing before long, but that is on the back burner until I have got to grips with Godot/Unity/Unreal/Blender.

Outside of computing I am also interested in archaeology (I took a degree in it after retirement) and history more generally; board gaming and miniatures wargaming; maths and science; and reading detective fiction. I apologise if I have rambled on a bit but if anyone wants to get in touch to chat more, or work on any joint projects feel free to do so.


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