"Introduction to the Grease Pencil" and "Creating a Backdrop" challenges

Hello again.

For the “Grease Pencil” I made 2 versions of it. The first one (the first image) is simple 2D sketch similar to what I did in the “Scene and asset design”.

But, after I made the first sketch, I watched what was left of the video of the lesson, and saw that the instructor did everything on the 3D space. So I went back from the start and did a new version, now in 3D space. And this was what I came up with:

For the backdrop challenge, I spent too much time thinking on what to do and to be more original, but I couldn’t come up with anything so I went with was shown on the lesson. :sweat_smile: But, I will try to think on something different to add later on.


All looking good progress.

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Thank you! Really glad to read that. :grinning:

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