Introduction to Pixel: Black BG

I’m trying to do the sprite sheet copy assignment, but every time open the sheet I have and make a new blank frame, it’s completely black and I cant see the onion skin, I’m going through everything and can;t find a way to make it a transparent background.


Can you let me know which lecture this is please so i can check and see if an update has caused this or if its a problem with the sprite sheet being used.

Thanks in advance.

I managed to get over the issue, Not sure why, but I can’t import a sheet with any colored background without it happening in Aseprite, and just have to remove the background in Photoshop. But it was the Introduction to Pixels in the Pixel Art Fundamentals - 2D Game Art Bite Size Course.

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Thanks for posting your solution, It may be a change in the sprite sheet and that krita does not like the coloured background or never did. I seem to remember originally the one we used in the course had a transparent background.

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