Introducing myself after finishing the 1st section of the Unreal Engine course

Hi 'yall,

I’m Joseph. I’m a History Undergraduate from England (Norwich/Essex/London area depending on whether I’m studying, with my rents, or at my long term gfs house) who is trying to learn how to make video games as ideally I’d like to be able to work in them some day. I know it’ll be a hard road ahead, but if I don’t at least try and just end up getting an office job I’ll always wonder what could’ve been. I’m keen, but will have to take things slowly as I’m (hopefully) still working on getting my degree. Many thanks for the course, looks like you guys are trying to get a friendly community going which is nice. I’m looking forward to getting deeper into it :slight_smile:

Many thanks,

Hope to get to know you guys more,


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