Introducing classes on Visual Studio Code


I got up to this lecture on Visual Studio 2017 when I saw the updated earlier sections and thought I’d try going through them to see what was coming in the future. So far I’ve managed to convert the entire thing to this point into Visual Code with no problems and I’ve actually found it a quite handy way of reinforcing the learning up to this point by writing it all out again and trying to sort any issues using the warnings and is something I’d definitely recommend to others as it really helped me to know which parts I easily remember and which bits I need to work on.

Now come this next classes of classes and header files! believe I’ve sorted the first problem I was worried about (creating the header) by just saving the file as c++ with .h instead of .cpp though whether it’ll interact in the same way as Visual Studio 2017 is yet to be seen but here’s hoping!

Anybody elses trying out the classes and header files in Visual Studio code instead?

Yes but I am getting errors in classes .It cannot recognise anyof the member functions in class cpp file .So I actually have to define member function in same file i.e ClassName.h .I don’t like it but somehow i didn’t fought to resolve that issue in VS- CODE

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