Intro DOTS / ECS In Unity - Unable to build for Windows (IO errors)


Have been able to get this to build successfully all the way until physics got involved.

Firstly it wouldn’t work in the editor using Unity 2020.3.26f1, so rolled back to 2020.3.23f1 which then worked.

I’m now getting strange IO errors during the build for Windows:

“System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path Y:\Unity\Projects\gamedev-tv-dots-intro2\Temp\Unity.TextMeshPro.dll”

The dll seems to change randomly when I try reloading the project. I can’t find any solutions to this… I fear it is a version issue of the DOTS packages that I’m using.

Does anyone have a list of the versions they are using that is building fine for them?


Are you using the Scripable Build Configuration to build?

Yes… I’m using the build method as described in the course.

I compared the package versions to the course package versions, and they appear to line up. I suspect the issue may be the change in versions… When you say “rolled back”, do you mean that you changed the version of Unity in the Unity Hub and let everything convert (I think Hub would scream a warning but let you if you wished) or started a new project and transferred the course code from your 2020.3.26 to the 2020.3.23? If it’s the former, this might possibly be the source of the issue. Unity does not like to roll a project back to a previous version. It’s even more finicky than moving forward to a new version.

Fair point.

I’ve tried rebuilding it from fresh using different editor versions, but still no joy.

This is the latest error… this is without even including the project code and using the default URP scene.

Is this happening before or after adding the DOTS/ECS components?

This may need to be escalated ot Unity’s tech support ( I would start by describing the very issue of not being able to compile the default URP scene when the DOTS components are added into the Package Manager, unless it’s also happening even without DOTS.

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