Interested In Helping With A Game Development Project With "Dark Matter Games" DMG


Hello, My name is Jordan Hayes and I’m extending a proposal to anyone who is interested in developing some games for personal gain. If the games take off, of course you’ll get your share in the profits depending on the effort you put in. In unreal engine we plan on creating an MMO (based off Sword Art Online but different) so if you like unreal, why not join us. We are also working on a Viking and open-world (Kinda Mount and Blade style in terms with the battles) game in Unity so all coders and graphics artists are welcome. Whether you have experience in C++, C# or even Blender you are welcome. We can only accept a limited number of people so come chat with us and you’ll get a gist of our ambitions. Currently, the group is composed of 13 members ranging from coders, graphics designers, artists, etc, but, in my books, the more the merrier, within reason of course. So if you are interested here is a link to our discord to come and chat to us and we’ll fill you in a little more.


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