IntelliSense works correctly but... The autofill does ONLY work on enter

Hi. So I have been trying to use Visual Studio Code as recommended in the course, the Unity Code Snippets are very handy. However I am unable to use it as the program refuses to auto fill the code unless I press enter.

Used to the work flow of literally every other visual studio experience I have ever had, it is impossible to work like this. If anyone has any ideas as to why that is, I would greatly appreciate help.

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I’m using a Mac and can not get Snippets to show up. I tried following steps and i think it was working at first but then stopped working today really strange.

Unfortunately, OmniSharp has discontinued direct support for Unity. There appears to be a fix for this here: unity3d - OmniSharp not supporting unity anymore - Stack Overflow but there’s no guarantee how long that will last.
Other code editor options that are supported by Unity are Visual Studio Community (free for indie developers, like us!) and JetBrains Rider (not free, but worth every penny). Good news for the Mac users, VSCommunity is now available for Macs!

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