IntelliSense still does not work on an old setup? Check "useModernNet" option

If you, like me, have an old setup that used to work but the tools updated in the meantime and some things are just not the way they used to be, you might find this useful.

It seems that in the newest version of Omnisharp (at least the one I am running) “Omnisharp: Use Global Mono” option does not exist anymore.

When I booted new Unity project for this course, my VSCode did not want to start Omnisharp at all. What finally helped was finding “Omnisharp: Use Modern Net” option in the settings. It seems to be set to true by default but (as the helptext helpfully points out) “this version does not support […] including Unity”.

Turning this off (and later updating dotnet from 5.0 to 6.0 when it complained) and restarting the editor fixed the issue.

Hope it helps someone.

There is an issue that happened with Omnisharp 1.25 where for some reason it stopped working, not sure if they have fixed it yet but when that updated happened while in the middle of the course I just rolled back to 1.24 and it worked fine.

I had a similar issue, but also my original install of dotnet-sdk & mono where via home-brew and Omnisharp didn’t seem to see them. So after using the PKG’s for 6.0.32 (dotnet-sdk), and mono 6.12.0 and then setting “Use Modern Net” to false made everything work.

(I’m running on an Apple Silicon Mac Book Air M1, plus macOS 13 Beta)

Turning it off also worked for me. But I couldn’t turn it off via the GUI, so I had to add the following to my settings file:
“omnisharp.useModernNet”: false

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