Intel i3 3.7Ghz, Nvidia GTX 750 Ti

128 tiles
CPU:Intel i3 3.7Ghz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750 Ti
Time: 3 min 35 seconds (GPU - CUDA)
Time: 9 min 54 sec (CPU)

512 tiles
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750 Ti
Time: 3 min 21 seconds (GPU - CUDA)

64 tiles
CPU:Intel i3 3.7Ghz
Time: 9 min 41 sec (CPU)

I hope that’s a good time for a 750 Ti, because I have no idea how to tweak these stuff yet.

It’s not. I got it in 3:00-3:15 with GTX 660
Try 256 x 256 resolution…
You should be able to get under 3 minutes.
Not know much about the subject but I wouldn’t tweak anything anyway. Rendering is a constant 100% performance load for hours and sometimes days, wouldn’t want to overload my hardware.

Thanks for the info. I tried 256 and it was like, 1 second differece thought. But if I change the Light Bounce under Light Paths to a max of 20 and a min of 0 I get a really good time!. I think that’s what I’ll do.

256 tiles - 400 samples
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750Ti
Time: 3 min 19 seconds (GPU - CUDA)

256 tiles - 225 samples
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750Ti
Time: 1 min 54 seconds (GPU - CUDA)

256 tiles - 400 samples - Light Bounce Max 20
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750Ti
Time: 2 min 29 seconds (GPU - CUDA)

256 tiles - 324 samples - Light Bounce Max 18
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750Ti
Time: 1 min 40 seconds (GPU - CUDA)

256 tiles - 256s - Light Bounce Max 8
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750Ti
Time: 1 min 20 seconds (GPU - CUDA)

256 tiles - 400s - Light Bounce Max 12
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750Ti
Time: 2 min 00 seconds (GPU - CUDA)

256 tiles - 400s - Light Bounce Max 8
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750Ti
Time: 2 min 00 seconds (GPU - CUDA)

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