Inspired by "Complete Combat System" -> Catch Space Pixies

After watching " Unity 2D RPG: Complete Combat System" and following very good advice from blog "Seriously, build EVEN SMALLER THINGS. LIKE SMALLER THAN WHAT YOU’RE THINKING RIGHT NOW ".

I decided sit down and build something that can be called a “complete game”.
And this is the result. “Catch Space Pixies

Check is out! And leave a comment what you think about it.


Very nice. The color mechanic reminds me of a game I made with some friends last year for a game jam (we won)

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If you have it playable on platform like, Please share it. Always interesting to see similar mechanics and chance to learn.

Here it is. Variegated by bixarrio, keeganco, novac69, Zaphire

The trailer is not great because it only shows the boss fight, but you can only hit (and be hit by) the colors you are currently set to. Except when you are white. We considered white as a combination of all colors so when you are white, it’s a veritable free-for-all

Really nice game, game design wise it needs some touches, the game starts to become frustrating really early on, the small enemies that move at the same speed as the player are really annoying and feel quite unfair.

The color mechanic reminded me of a game called Flat Kingdom, but you implemented it way better.

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Thank you for feedback.
Gonna look in to it, speed of the small enemies. Maybe some other type of attack in place of just following, (Charge and dash in direction of player, or something like than, for more variation)

I am still trying to find sweet spot between too easy and too hard.

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