Insert/ Extrusion

maybe i switched somethig on/off (by misstake) i wanna insert and make boundary in the middle. but the insert is strange…

and also the extrusion is not as usual, even if i dont insert… does anybody know why?

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You’ve probably double vertices. this happens, when you start to extrude (e), but decided to cancel.
But then, your selected vertices (edges) are still copied, but not moved (because you’ve cancelled the move action, not the extrude option.

  • Merge by distance
  • redo your inset, use i, or ib with not margin at the mirror ax.

Double geometry probably also made the boundary on inset not work too. Follow FedPete’s advice and also check before trying again that only single verts exist on all those originals loops. (Sometimes merge by distance misses some if they are not perfectly on top of one another.)


Guys, you are Aaaamazing! I struggle with some very basic things, and you see the problems at a glance.
Thank you


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