I’m writing the code to make the character move. I’m implementing the move with InputMappingContext.
But the problem is that after I wrote the code, I built it
Global options:
-Help : Display this help.
-Verbose : Increase output verbosity
-VeryVerbose : Increase output verbosity more
-Log : Specify a log file location instead of the default Engine/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Log.txt
-TraceWrites : Trace writes requested to the specified file
-Timestamps : Include timestamps in the log
-FromMsBuild : Format messages for msbuild
-SuppressSDKWarnings : Missing SDKs error verbosity level will be reduced from warning to log
-Progress : Write progress messages in a format that can be parsed by other programs
-NoMutex : Allow more than one instance of the program to run at once
-WaitMutex : Wait for another instance to finish and then start, rather than aborting immediately
-RemoteIni : Remote tool ini directory
-Mode= : Select tool mode. One of the following (default tool mode is “Build”):
AggregateClangTimingInfo, AggregateParsedTimingInfo, Analyze, ApplePostBuildSync, Build,
ClRepro, Clean, Deploy, Execute, FixIncludePaths, GenerateClangDatabase, GenerateProjectFiles,
IOSPostBuildSync, IWYU, InlineGeneratedCpps, JsonExport, PVSGather, ParseMsvcTimingInfo,
PrintBuildGraphInfo, ProfileUnitySizes, Query, QueryTargets, Server, SetupPlatforms,
Test, UnrealHeaderTool, ValidatePlatforms, WriteDocumentation, WriteMetadata
-Clean : Clean build products. Equivalent to -Mode=Clean
-ProjectFiles : Generate project files based on IDE preference. Equivalent to -Mode=GenerateProjectFiles
-ProjectFileFormat= : Generate project files in specified format. May be used multiple times.
-Makefile : Generate Linux Makefile
-CMakefile : Generate project files for CMake
-QMakefile : Generate project files for QMake
-KDevelopfile : Generate project files for KDevelop
-CodeliteFiles : Generate project files for Codelite
-XCodeProjectFiles : Generate project files for XCode
-EddieProjectFiles : Generate project files for Eddie
-VSCode : Generate project files for Visual Studio Code
-VSMac : Generate project files for Visual Studio Mac
-CLion : Generate project files for CLion
-Rider : Generate project files for RiderD:\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.exe (process 7688) exited with code 1 (0x1).
Press any key to close this window . . .
This is what happens. Other projects don’t get this error. But the projects I create get this error. What’s the problem?