Input Function Call

Whilst I have my testing grounds project, I’m also following along with a similar project, however this other project does not have everything set up that the first person game has set up so I am unable to find where in the testing grounds project the onfire function actually gets called when we click the left mouse, if anyone can find it please let me know

Thanks in advance!


Recall from BattleTank and the project’s input settings.

I understand that’s where we initiate an input setting to allow us to call the function.

What i’m wondering is where is the function actually being called.

I couldn’t see in the first person class a input fire event which called Onfire();

In AFirstPersonCharacter::BeginPlay

if (EnableTouchscreenMovement(InputComponent) == false)
	InputComponent->BindAction("Fire", IE_Pressed, Gun, &AGun::OnFire);

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