Input Component Not Working, Doesn't Throw Any Errors

So the gist is My inputs don’t fire and I’ve even compiled the code With no Error Msg.

I am currently on Unreal Engine 5 for lumen as lighting doesn’t need to be rebuilt every time. So if anyone knows why this is happening please let me know as I really would like to continue with the course using UE5.

Header File for Grabber.h


Output from Console.

So, neither are logging? This would suggest to me that the changes are not being picked up.

Exit the editor and delete the binaries folder. Then open the project again. This will force a rebuild.

This happens on occasion with UE4 so I assume it hasn’t been corrected with 5. It’s also possible there’s a different issue with UE5, it being an early access build, but I doubt this is the case.

EDIT: Also delete the intermediate folder too just to be sure.

That log just says you successfully compiled. Did you actually play the game?

Sorry for the delay I sent that at midnight, currently afternoon I’ve done as asked and have a Loglinker error.

This is the error it’s throwing

Edit: Wanted to add this for more information so all I’ve done today was delete the binaries folder and intermediate and rebuilt the project, I pressed play and gave me a log linker error I haven’t tried searching for a solution yet But I’ll do it now if I find it I’ll post the information here if you guys know of the fix already that would be amazing.

Second Edit: Well I went ahead and recompiled to make sure there was no error, I get a Error telling me Grabber.h needs to be the first header included. which is kinda strange as I’m pretty sure self made header files were located undereath all engine header files but I could be wrong.

After adding the header file to the top I recompiled & hit play with no errors

The Thing is it’s back to the same problem of logs not being shown So it really feels like I’m back at the beginning.

Edit 3: I went ahead and commented everything in begin play and added a log to print a simple text message but it seems that doesn’t get printed either and because it was working before I must of done something for logs not to be shown must be something super simple or something i’m doing incorrectly but I can’t think of what I did, I’ve checked Output Log filters everything seems to be checked on so the fact that nothing is shown in output log even a simple log message is driving me nuts.

Edit 4: Yep super easy just needed to attach the Grabber component to the default pawn I created :man_facepalming:
I must of deleted it from my default pawn without re-attaching it sorry.

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Hello DanM Sorry I didn’t include the photo of the logs after I started the game I just wanted to show that the code was successfully being compiled but when I do press play no errors are thrown but my logs aren’t being printed either so I’m really lost on this one.

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