
Hi guys.
Without reading what other people posted, here is my idea (I am now at my 3 glass of wine so I may be talking rubbish. In this case, i’m sorry):

  • how about a new Actor that inherits the Open Door C++ Class. In this way, any Actor that inherits the C++ Class can open the door and as log as this Actor/Object is in the trigger volume, the door will be open and you do not need a new pressure plate (the easy way out that for the purpose of this course I guess it should work just fine) .
    Of course, this could be expanded to using multiple objects (something like one object opens the door half way and a second one opens the door full way)
  • to point out what to grab, you could easily hit it out in the game (using a light source, a out of the place object and so on)
  • for what game object: with using an object that inherits the Open Door Class, you could use any object (a simple cube, cone, sphere ore something from the starter content. It doesn’t really matter only if you want to expand the game more and more)

I do nit know if the wine wrote this or I, but it sound good in my head :sweat_smile:

What do you guys think?

That should work, it’s not what’s done though :stuck_out_tongue:


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