[INFO] Unity 5 Audio Upgrades 2D/3D Sound

Hi everyone,

I’ve started this course using Unity 5.6 in Ubuntu and found out that 3D Sound was missing. Searched the docs and found that for you guys using Unity 5 the default sound is 2D and you can blend 2D and 3D in the Spatial Blend properties inside Audio Source when you bring it under a new component.

Full docs can be read here:
Unity 5 Audio Upgrade

Hope this helps.


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Thank you, I was wondering where this option might have gone. Spared me googling around. (-:

Also one change about importing music, not sure if it is in next episodes of course.

You need to change import format if you have slow scenes loading.
If you are using MP3/Vorbis, default “compression” is “Decompress on Load” - music is then decompressed somewhere in Awake and it slows down.
Here is described the problem and how to fix and which compression to use when:

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