Increasing lens ortho size has strange cut-off effect on game screen

Whenever I change the virtual camera’s “lens ortho size” to a value higher then 5 the camera distance increases but the view gets cut off like in the image.
Any advice on why this is happening?

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sounds like you are encountering an issue with the camera’s frustum. The frustum defines the volume of space that is visible from the camera, and changing the orthographic size can affect the dimensions of the frustum.

When you increase the orthographic size of the camera, the camera’s view expands and the distance between the camera and the objects in the scene increases. However, if the near and far clipping planes of the camera are not adjusted accordingly, objects outside of the camera’s new frustum may be cut off or not rendered at all.

To fix this issue, you should adjust the near and far clipping planes of the camera to ensure that the entire scene is visible within the camera’s new frustum. You can do this by selecting the camera and adjusting the “Near” and “Far” properties in the Inspector window. Alternatively, you can use the “Auto Clipping” option to automatically adjust the near and far clipping planes based on the distance between the camera and the objects in the scene.

If adjusting the near and far clipping planes does not solve the issue, you may need to adjust the camera’s position or rotation to ensure that the entire scene is visible within the camera’s frustum. You can also try adjusting the aspect ratio of the camera to ensure that the view is not distorted.

Hope this helps!

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Can you share the settings on your main camera and the virtual camera?


Thanks for the clear explanation.
It indeed turned out to be an issue with the camera’s rotation setting.
Still, I’ve learned more about frustum from your reply so thanks for that!

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Thanks, it turned out the y rotation on my cameras was not set to 0.
It’s working correctly now.

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